Time Management

As most people already know, one of the benefits of using a Virtual Assistant in your business is to free up your time to give you more time to focus on your business.

But I wanted to share some tips for Time Management with you today, these may be reminders for you, but I always think it’s good to refresh and perhaps start using tips again that have you have forgotten.

Outside influences can run the way we spend our day from poor personal organisation to unexpected telephone calls, idle chatter and drop-in visitors, although possibly not as much in these times.

Top Tips

  • Have a daily To-Do List.
  • Use a diary system at the beginning of each week, month, year for reminders of tasks that need to be completed.
  • Set objectives, goals, and deadlines.
  • Clear your desk – get rid of clutter and keep on top of filing, whether paper or electronic. 
  • Paperwork or files for the current job you are working on should be the only documents you have open or to hand.
  • Set time aside if needed where you cannot be disturbed.
  • Don’t pick up a paper unless you intend to do something with it. Deal with them only once, and this also applies to electronic documents.  (This one has always been one of my favourite tips)
  • Planned activities such as back-to-back Zoom or Teams calls can leave you exhausted at the end of the day so remember to schedule breaks in between.
  • Develop the skill of terminating a call.
  • List your priorities separate Urgent and Important.
  • Keep your main objective in mind – don’t get side-tracked by urgent but relatively unimportant problems.
  • Work smarter, not harder.
  • Can you justify the time involved for the end result?
  • Are you a starter or a finisher?  Be both!
  • Ask yourself, is this the most efficient/effective use of my time?

Why bother with Time Management?

It can relieve stress.

It can assist in controlling your working day.

It gives job satisfaction.

It can increase your efficiency and the efficiency of those around you.

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