One month done and dusted, it always amazes me when my payslip arrives – where did that month go!!
It has been a great start to the new year for us, and we had a new client come on board who had initially enquired last June. It has been exciting learning about their business requirements and helping the CEO organise emails. I attended a board meeting to take the minutes, which was great to meet all the Trustees, although unfortunately primarily via Zoom.
I decided to bite the bullet and do my Confirmation Statement this month due to my accountant’s price going up by 50%. I had thought for a while I should be doing this myself as I used to do it for my clients.
We had a great result last week doing Credit control for one of our clients and finally got some long-standing invoices paid to total of just short of £60,000 from one of their clients, which we had been chasing for some time.
We have been helping an Association prepare for a meeting for their members. I love organising events and the attention to detail to make sure you have everything covered ahead of the day and plan for any unexpected problems. The meeting went very well, and the members were happy with the presentations given by three external suppliers. The staff at the hotel were accommodating from the moment I arrived until I said goodbye and thanked them for their support.
This year I have decided to invest time into streamlining some of our own processes and systems for Proactive Assistants. I have also decided to search for new associates who can help in the business, so if you know anyone you think would fit the bill, please pass over my details.